Visual Artists Ireland (VAI) in partnership with PhotoIreland Festival are running a limited series of professional development seminars aimed at emerging and established photographers, although they may be of interest to all artistic practices. Places are limited so advance booking is essential.
4 sessions will take place over the closing weekend of PhotoIreland Festival on 23rd and 24th of July in La Catedral Studios off Thomas Street.
- Professional Practice: Online Marketing with Mary Carty
- Money Matters: Preparing Proposals & Grant Applications with Eilis Lavelle & Sarah Searson
- Negotiation: Dealing with Public/ Private Galleries with Jerome O’ Drisceoil & Karen Downey
- Experience: Career Options with Anthony Luvera; Dragana Jurisic; Liam Campbell & Stephanie Joy
Dates: 23 & 24 July
Price: : €20 non-members and €15 VAI members
€60 for all 4 sessions
La Catedral Studios, 7/11 Saint Augustine Street, Dublin 8
Location Map
Professional Practice: Online marketing with Mary Carty
23 July 10am–1pm
This session will teach you how to grow your profile, build your network and promote your work online. By using social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Flickr effectively, you can grow your audience and position yourself as an expert in your field. I will use case studies and practical walk throughs to help you get the most from your time online.
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Money Matters: Preparing Proposals & Grant Applications with Eilis Lavelle & Sarah Searson
23 July 2-5pm
This session will look at the proposal and application preparation process in detail exploring the strategic skills required to ensure that you submission is seriously considered. The session will include information on writing and preparing, documentation or visual packages, application forms etc. It is aimed at artists who wish to apply for resources and opportunities such as: funding; residencies; exhibitions and commissions.
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Negotiation: Dealing with Public/ Private Galleries w’ Jerome O’ Drisceoil & Karen Downey
24 July 10-1pm
This training session is designed to give artists the confidence and knowledge to build strong relationships with curators and to get the most out of their experience when working with a private or public gallery. It will look at: Do’s and don’ts in approaching or presenting work to galleries. Being clear on why you want to exhibit; clarity of the artist’s intention for the artwork; clarity of ambition and expected outcomes for an exhibition. It will also examine roles and responsibilities for both the artists and the gallery. Understanding element of planning an exhibition, time-line, budget and production value. The expectations and motivations for an exhibition from both the gallery’s and artist’s perspectives.
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Experience: Career Options w’ Anthony Luvera; Dragana Jurisic; Liam Campbell & Stephanie Joy
24 July 2-5pm
This session is aimed at emerging photographers and is designed to show them the variety of career options available to them. Our panelists have a variety of careers and availed of numerous and varied opportunities all within the umbrella of photography. From commercial photography to book publishing and from teaching to collaborating, each of our panelists will explain how they came to be in their current position and the opportunities and decisions that accompany them.
Book now
For more information and booking go to: www.visualartists.ie/education
Note: If you wish to make payment by cheque you may forward the appropriate amount to VAI address:
Visual Artists Ireland, 37 north great george’s street, dublin 1.
Prices are as follows: €20 for non-members and €15 for VAI members or €60 for all 4 sessions
Should have any questions please call or email:
T: +353 (0)86 3505 722
E: donna.kiernan@gmail.com