
PhotoIreland Festival: On Photo Books

Since the publication of William H. Fox Talbot’s legendary The Pencil of Nature, many years had to pass before the Photobook could attain the full recognition it deserves. Ten years ago Andrew Roth’s Book of 101 Books presented us with a list of seminal photographic books of the Twentieth Century, and five years later Martin Parr and Gerry Badger published their two volumes of The Photobook – A History. At the same time, Print-On-Demand Printing and Internet platforms such as Blurb have undoubtedly revolutionized the concept of self-publishing, since anyone can now produce a photo book in small numbers and acceptable quality. New models, such as the Artists’ Books Cooperative (ABC) promise innovative solutions for distribution, and ever more international events are dedicated to the promotion of the photographic printed matter.

Join us in our celebration of what we could call The Decade of the Photobook, with a selection of representative works, hand-picked by one of the greatest photographic bibliophiles on the planet with a small but ambitious event, dedicated to the promotion of a medium that for many photographers has become the most significant method to show their work and creative vision.